Showing posts with label vivekananda about attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vivekananda about attitude. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Vivekananda about money

Help Others:
If money helps a man
to do good to others, 
it is of some value; 
but if not,
it is simply a 
mass of evil, and
the sooner 
it is got rid of, the better.

Live and let others live

Don't Play The Blame Game:  
Condemn none:
if you can stretch out a 
helping hand, do so.
If you cannot, 
fold your hands, 
bless your brothers, and
let them go their own way.

Life is Beautiful

Life is Beautiful:
First, believe in this world -
that there is meaning behind 
Everything in the world is good,
is holy and beautiful. 
If you see something evil, 
think that you
do not understand
it in the right light. 
Throw the burden on yourselves!


It's Your Outlook 
That Matters: It is our 
own mental attitude,
which makes the world 
what it is for us. 
Our thoughts make 
things beautiful, 
our thoughts make
things ugly. 
The whole world
 is in our own minds.
Learn to see things in the 
proper light.