Showing posts with label power of youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power of youth. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happiness and Misery

After every happiness 
comes misery; 
they may be 
far apart or near. 
The more advanced 
the soul, 
the more quickly does 
one follow the other. 
What we want is
neither happiness 
nor misery. 
Both make us forget our 
true nature

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Who is God - Its you

All that is real in me is God; 
all that is real in God is I. 
The gulf between God and
human beings is thus
Thus we find how, 
by knowing God, 
we find the
kingdom of heaven 
within us.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Power of You

All power is within you. 
You can do anything and
Believe in that. 
Do not believe 
that you are weak; 
do not believe that you are 
half-crazy lunatics,
as most of us 
do nowadays. 
Stand up and express 
the divinity within you.