Showing posts with label Vivekananda about free life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vivekananda about free life. Show all posts

Monday, March 5, 2012

Stream of life

A tremendous stream is
 flowing toward the ocean, 
carrying us all along with it;
and though like straws 
scraps of paper 
we may at times
float aimlessly
 in the long run 
we are sure to join 
the Ocean of
 Life and Bliss.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The road not taken

Think Different: 
All differences in this 
world are of degree,
and not of kind, 
because oneness is the 
secret of everything.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Being yourself

Be Yourself: 
The greatest religion 
is to be 
true to your own nature. 
Have faith in yourselves! 

Vivekananda about money

Help Others:
If money helps a man
to do good to others, 
it is of some value; 
but if not,
it is simply a 
mass of evil, and
the sooner 
it is got rid of, the better.

Set yourself free

Set Yourself Free: 
The moment
I have realised God sitting
in the temple of 
every human body,
the moment 
I stand in reverence 
before every human being and 
see God in him - 
that moment 
I am free from bondage, 
everything that
binds vanishes, and 
I am free.